About Fees

Fees related to patents

Application fees

These are fees for until making application documents regulated by JPO and applying a patent.
Basic fee
¥180,000(including 1 claim)
Adding claims (as from the second claim)
¥2,000 – ¥8,000 × the number of claims
Fee for creating a specification
¥2,000 – ¥8,000 × the number of pages of specification
(excluding claims, an abstract, and drawings)
Fee for creating drawings
¥2,000 – ¥8,000(depending on the complexity) × the number of drawings
Fee for creating an abstract
¥2,000 – ¥6,000
Fee for stamps
Example for Calculation of Fees

For example, fee for an application which has three claims, ten pages, and five drawings is

Basic fee
Adding claims
¥5,000 × 2 =


Fee for creating a specification
¥5,000 × 10 =


Fee for creating drawings
¥5,000 × 5 =


Fee for creating an abstract
Fee for stamps
*It is just a calculation example to know approximate fee, and we will calculate in detail for each case in practice.

Fees for Request of an application examination

It is required to proceed a request for application examination to JPO within three years from the application date in order to be examined the contents of a patent application. This is a fee for the procedure.
Basic fee
Fee for stamps
¥118,000 + ¥4,000 × the number of claims
Example for Calculation of Fees

For example, fee for an application which has three claims is

Basic fee
Fee for stamps
¥118,000 + ¥4,000 × 3 =


*for individuals and corporations, R&D type small and medium sized enterprises and universities, reduction and exception system which except or reduce to 1/3 the fee for stamps for a request of an examination is provided. Please refer here for detail.

Fees for Reaction to Notice of Reasons for Refusal

As a result of an examination executed after requesting an examination, if acquisition of the patent right is refused and the reasons for refusal are noticed, it is possible to react by submitting an amendment and a written opinion. these are fees for the submission procedure.
There is a case which decision to grant a patent is made without noticing the reasons for refusal, and if so, you do not need to submit an amendment and a written opinion.
The reasons for refusal may be noticed more than once.
Fee for creating a written opinion
¥20,000 – ¥60,000
Fee for creating an amendment
¥20,000 – ¥60,000
Example for Calculation of Fees
Fee for creating a written opinion
Fee for creating an amendment
*It is just a calculation example to know approximate fee, and we will calculate in detail for each case in practice.

Fees for Trial Against Examiner’s Decision of Refusal

If the reasons for refusal are not resolved, refusal is decided, and these are fees for appeal as objecting the refusal.
Fee for request a trial
Fee for creating reasons for request
¥20,000 – ¥160,000
Fee for creating an amendment
¥20,000 – ¥60,000
Fee for stamps
¥49,500 + ¥5,500 × the number of claims
Example for Calculation of Fees

For example, fee for an application which has three claims is

Fee for request a trial
Fee for creating reasons for request
Fee for creating an amendment
Fee for stamps
¥49,500 × ¥5,500 × 3 =


*It is just a calculation example to know approximate fee, and we will calculate in detail for each case in practice.

Fees for Registration of Establishment of Patent

As a result of an examination for a patent application, if a reason for refusal is not found or if reasons for refusal are dissolved, grant of a patent is decided.
Also, as a result of the trial against examiner’s decision of refusal, if reasons for refusal are dissolved, grant of a patent is decided. After that, to register establishment of patent, it is required to pay the patent fee for the first to third year in each year or in a lump to JPO, and these are fees for the payment.
Fee for payment of patent fee
Fee for stamps
¥2,100 + ¥200 x the number of claims / year
Calculation Example of Fees

For example, in the case of payment in a lump of the patent fee for the first to third year for an application which has three claims, the fee is、

Fee for payment of patent fee
Fee for stamps
(¥2,100 + ¥200 × 3) × 3 =


*for individuals and corporations, R&D type small and medium sized enterprises and universities, reduction and exception system which except or reduce to 1/3 the fee for stamps for registration of establishment of patent right is provided. Please refer here for detail.

Fees for Maintenance of Patent Rights

After the fourth year, if you would like to maintain patent rights, it is required to pay patent fees shown blow every year
Fee for payment of patent fee
Fee for stamps
patent fee for the fourth to the sixth year : ¥6,400 + ¥500 × the number of claims / year
patent fee for the seventh to the ninth year : ¥19,300 + ¥1,500 × the number of claims / year
patent fee for the tenth to twenty the fifth year : ¥55,400 + ¥4,300 × the number of claims / year
Examples for Calculation of fees

For example, in the case of payment for application which has three claims for the fourth to the sixth year, the seventh to the ninth year, and the tenth to the twenty fifth year, the fee for each year is

Single year payment for the fourth to the sixth year
Fee for payment of patent fee
Fee for stamps
¥6,400 + ¥500 × 3 =


Single year payment for the seventh to the ninth year
Fee for payment of patent fee
Fee for stamps
¥19,300 + ¥1,500 × 3 =


Payment for the tenth to the twenty fifth year
Fee for payment of patent fee
Fee for stamps
¥55,400 + ¥4,300 × 3 =



This is a fee for an investigation whether or not there is a related or similar technology before patent application
Investigation fee
¥15,000 –

Fees related to Utility Models

Application fees

These are fees for until making application documents regulated by JPO and applying a utility model.
Basic fee
¥160,000(including 1 claim)
Adding claims (as from second claim)
¥2,000 – ¥8,000 × the number of claims
Fee for creating a specification
¥2,000 – ¥8,000 × the number of pages of specification
(excluding claims, an abstract, and drawings)
Fee for creating drawings
¥2,000 – ¥8,000 × the number of the drawings
Fee for creating an abstract
¥2,000 – ¥6,000
Fee for stamps
Calculation Example of Fees

For example, fee for an application which has three claims, ten pages, and five drawings is

Basic fee
Adding claims
¥5,000 × 2 =


Fee for creating a specification
¥5,000 × 10 =


Fee for creating drawings
¥5,000 × 5 =


Fee for creating an abstract
Fee for stamps
*It is just a calculation example to know approximate fee, and we will calculate in detail for each case in practice.

Fees for Registration of Establishment of Utility Models

To register establishment of a utility model, it is required to pay the patent fee for the first to third year in each year or in a lump to JPO, and these are fees for the payment.
Fee for payment of registration fee
Fee for stamps
¥2,100 + ¥100 × the number of claims / year
Calculation Example of Fees

For example, in the case of payment in a lump of the patent fee for the first to third year for an application which has three claims, the fee is

Fee for payment of registration fee
Fee for stamps
(¥2,100 + ¥100 × 3) × 3 =



Fees for Maintenance of Utility model rights

After the fourth year, if you would like to maintain utility model rights, it is required to pay patent fees shown blow every year
Fee for payment of registration fee
Fee for stamps
registration fee for fourth year to sixth year: ¥6,100 + ¥300 × the number of claims / year
registration fee for seventh year to tenth year: ¥18,100 + ¥900 × the number of claims / year
Calculation Example of Fees
For example, in the case of payment for each single year of the registration fee for the fourth to the sixth year and for the seventh to the tenth year for an application which has three claims, the fee is
– For payment for the fourth to the sixth year
Fee for payment of patent fee
Fee for stamps
¥6,100 + ¥300 × 3 =


– For payment for seventh year to tenth year
Fee for payment of patent fee
Fee for stamps
¥18,100 + ¥900 × 3 =



Fees related to Trademarks

Application fees

These are fees for until making application documents regulated by JPO and proceed to apply a trademark.
Basic fee
adding classes (as from the second class)
¥40,000 × the number of classes as from the second class
Fee for stamps
¥12,000 + ¥8,600 × the number of classes as from the second class
Calculation Example of Fees

For example, in the case of an application which has two classes, the fee is

Basic fee
adding classes
¥40,000 × 1 =


Fee for stamps
¥12,000 + ¥8,600 × 1 =



Fees for Reaction to Notice of Reasons for Refusal

As a result of an examination executed after an application, if acquisition of the trademark is refused and the reasons for refusal are noticed, it is possible to react by submitting an amendment and a written opinion. these are fees for the submission procedure.
There is a case which decision of registration is made without noticing the reasons for refusal, and if so, you do not need to submit an amendment and a written opinion.
The reasons for refusal may be noticed more than once.
Fee for creating a written opinion
¥20,000 – ¥60,000
Fee for creating an amendment
¥20,000 – ¥60,000
Calculation Example of Fees
Fee for creating a written opinion
Fee for creating an amendment
*It is just a calculation example to know approximate fee, and we will calculate in detail for each case in practice.

Fees for Trial Against Examiner’s Decision of Refusal

If the reasons for refusal are not resolved, refusal is decided, and these are fees for appeal as objecting the refusal.
Fee for request a trial
Fee for creating reasons for request
¥20,000 – ¥120,000
Fee for stamps
¥55,000 + ¥40,000 × the number of classes as from the second class
Calculation Example of Fees

For example, fee for an application which has two classes is

Fee for request a trial
Fee for creating reasons for request
Fee for stamps
¥55,000 + ¥40,000 × 1 =


*It is just a calculation example to know approximate fee, and we will calculate in detail for each case in practice.

Fees for Registration of Establishment of Trademark Rights

As a result of an examination for a trademark application, if a reason for refusal is not found or if reasons for refusal are dissolved, the registration is decided.
Also, as a result of the trial against examiner’s decision of refusal, if reasons for refusal are dissolved, the registration is decided. After that, to register establishment of trademark right, it is required to pay the registration fee of 10 years in a lump to JPO, and these are fees for the payment.
Fee for payment of registration fee
¥10,000 + ¥7,000 × the number of classes as from the second class
Fee for stamps
in the case of payment for 10 years, ¥28,200 × the number of classes
in the case of payment for 5 years,  ¥16,400 × the number of classes
Calculation Example of Fees
For example, in the case of an application which has two classes, the fee is
In the case of payment for 10 years
Fee for payment of registration fee
¥10,000 + ¥7,000 × 1 =


Fee for stamps
¥28,200 × 2 =


In the case of payment for 5 years
Fee for payment of registration fee
¥10,000 + ¥7,000 × 1 =


Fee for stamps
¥16,400 × 2 =



Fees for Maintenance of Trademark Rights

After the tenth year, if you would like to maintain trademark rights, it is required to request the renewal registration and pay the registration fees (annuity) for ten years in a lump or by dividing to each five years to JPO at the same time, and these are fees for that.
Fee for request of renewal registration
Fee for stamps
in the case of payment for 10 years, ¥38,800 × the number of classes
in the case of payment for 5 years, ¥22,600 × the number of classes
Calculation Example of Fees
For example, in the case of an application which has two classes, the fee is
In the case of payment for 10 years
Fee for request of renewal registration
Fee for stamps
¥38,800 × 2 =


In the case of payment for 5 years
Fee for request of renewal registration
Fee for stamps
¥22,600 × 2 =



Fees related to Designs

Application fees

These are fees for until making application documents regulated by JPO and proceed to apply a design.
Basic fee
Fee for creating drawings
¥2,000 – ¥8,000 × the number of drawings
Fee for stamps
Example of Calculation for Fees

For example, in the case of an application which has basic six drawings, the fee is

Basic fee
Fee for creating drawings
¥5,000 × 6 =


Fee for stamps
*It is just a calculation example to know approximate fee, and we will calculate in detail for each case in practice.

Fees for Reaction to Notice of Reasons for Refusal

As a result of an examination executed after an application, if acquisition of the design right is refused and the reasons for refusal are noticed, it is possible to react by submitting an amendment and a written opinion. These are fees for the submission procedure.
There is a case which decision of registration is made without noticing the reasons for refusal, and if so, you do not need to submit an amendment and a written opinion.
The reasons for refusal may be noticed more than once.
Fee for creating a written opinion
¥20,000 – ¥60,000
Fee for creating an amendment
¥20,000 – ¥60,000
Calculation Example of Fees
Fee for creating a written opinion
Fee for creating an amendment
*It is just a calculation example to know approximate fee, and we will calculate in detail for each case in practice.

Fees for Trial Against Examiner’s Decision of Refusal

If the reasons for refusal are not resolved, refusal is decided, and these are fees for appeal as objecting the refusal.
Fee for request a trial
Fee for creating reasons for request
¥20,000 – ¥160,000
Fee for creating an amendment
¥20,000 – ¥60,000
Fee for stamps
Calculation Example of Fees
Fee for request a trial
Fee for creating reasons for request
Fee for creating an amendment
Fee for stamps
*It is just a calculation example to know approximate fee, and we will calculate in detail for each case in practice.

Fees for Registration of Establishment of Design Rights

As a result of an examination for a design application, if a reason for refusal is not found or if reasons for refusal are dissolved, the registration is decided.
Also, as a result of the trial against examiner’s decision of refusal, if reasons for refusal are dissolved, the registration is decided. After that, to register establishment of design right, it is required to pay the registration fee for the first to third year each year or in a lump to JPO, and these are fees for the payment.
Basic fee
Fee for stamps
Calculation Example of Fees

For example, in the case of payment in a lump of the registration fee for the first to third year, the fee is

Fee for payment of registration fee
Fee for stamps
¥8,500 × 3 =



Fees for Maintenance of Design Rights

After the fourth year, if you would like to maintain design rights, it is required to pay patent fees in each year or in a lump.
Fee for payment of registration fee
Fee for stamps
registration fee for fourth year to twentieth year: ¥16,900 / year
Calculation Example of Fees
For example, in the case of payment in each year of the registration fee from the fourth to the twentieth year, the fee is
Payment for the fourth to twentieth year
Fee for payment of registration fee
Fee for stamps

Fees for Supporting to Utilize Grant Systems

These are fees for supporting to raise fund utilizing grant systems provided by public organizations.
Fee for creating grant application documents
Half of 10% of the applied grant amount
Reward for succession
The other half of 10% of the applied grant amount
Calculation Example of Fees

For example, if the application is accepted and a grant of 3,000,000 JPY is payed, the fee is

Fee for creating grant application documents
¥3,000,000 × 0.1 × 0.5 =


Reward for succession
¥3,000,000 × 0.1 × 0.5 =

