업무 안내
발명・고안에 대해, 출원 및 그 후 수속의 대리업무를 하고 있습니다. 또, 제품개발의 빠른 단계에서부터 발명의 발굴활동과 발명의 품질향상 활동에 참여하는 것도 가능하여, 고객의 사업전략, 경영전략에 맞는 강한 권리를 취득할 수 있도록 서포트하고 있습니다.
Creating a Specification Described the contents of an invention
An application procedure which submitting a document (a specification) described the invention to JPO is required to acquire a patent or a utility model. We make interview to the inventor, understand the invention correctly, and make the application documents. If it is difficult to have interview meeting, we are able to create the application documents by obtaining the description, the drawings, and the like from you.
Responding to office actions (Responding to a Notice of Reasons for Refusal)
To take the examination for a patent application, it is required to file an application for the examination within three years from the filling date of the patent application. At that time, as a result of the examination of an examiner of JPO, if it is judged as that the requirements of the filling is not satisfied, reasons for the refusal are noticed (this notice may be sent plural times). If the notice of reasons for refusal are received, it is needed to react for argument to the judgment of the examiner (response to an office action) such as making amendments of the contents of the invention (ex. Claims). According to the client’s intention, we have meetings as needed, and give you a proposal for amendments and arguments to acquire the most appropriate patent right.
If you would like to make a patent right which includes products of other competitive companies, we support it. Please feel free to ask us.
In other hands, excluding the case of violating basic requirements, the establishment of the utility model rights are registered (non-examination registration system which not examines substantive examinations). However, for the exercise against to the infringers and the like, it is obligated to show the “Technological Evaluation Document for a Utility Model.” We make such Technological evaluation document for a utility model and submit it.
If you would like to make a patent right which includes products of other competitive companies, we support it. Please feel free to ask us.
In other hands, excluding the case of violating basic requirements, the establishment of the utility model rights are registered (non-examination registration system which not examines substantive examinations). However, for the exercise against to the infringers and the like, it is obligated to show the “Technological Evaluation Document for a Utility Model.” We make such Technological evaluation document for a utility model and submit it.
Appealing (Trial)
If an examiner judges that the reasons for refusal were not dissolved even though considering written opinions and the like submitted in the above described response to an office action, a refusal will be decided. Against to the decision of refusal, you can request a trial against examiner’s decision of refusal. We examine whether or not the examiner’s decision is right, and if we decide that we can acquire the right by reactions such as embodiments and the like, we make the documents for the trial to request the trial against examiner’s decision of refusal.
[전문 분야]
전기・전자, 통신・정보처리, 제어・기계, 재료 등
복합기(프린터, 복사기를 포함), 영상기기(디스플레이 포함), 전자 디바이스(반도체 디바이스 포함), 촬상장치, 전지(리튬이온 전지를 포함), 전자(아날로그/디지털)회로, 의료기기(간호 시스템, 간호침대, 전자 체온계, 혈압계 등), 냉매회로, 유압회로, 휴대 단말장치, 서미스터 센서, 적층 콘덴서, 코일장치(트랜스, 초크코일), 가속도 센서, LED 장치
화상처리, 통신 시스템(위성 송신 시스템, RFID 기술을 포함), 컴퓨터 시스템의 하드웨어 및 소프트 웨어, 컴퓨터 관련기기
반도체(반도체 기판도 포함) 제조장치, 건설기계, 엔진, 전자 제어, 복합기 제어, 메카트로 제어, 로봇 제어, 인버터 제어, 유량제어, 전기기기, 모터, 온수저장 탱크, 디젤엔진(농업기계, 선박), 베어링, 펌프모터
반도체 재료, 금속 재료, 탄소 재료, 세라믹 재료, 전지 재료, 전자부품 재료, 건축 재료
광학요소, 광학계, 광학장치, 광학부품, 광학 공작물, 발광장치, 편광판
가정용 기기
조명기구, 전자침대, 가전제품(냉장고, 가구, 침구, 급탕장치, 청소용구, 공조기, 방충 네트)
나노테크놀러지, 섬유, 종이제품, 접착제, 가스처리 설비, 멸균 시스템, 고분자
각종 비즈니스 특허, 일용품, 스포츠 용품
[Our Services]
Before Application
- Creating patent maps
- Making advices about your research and development
Application Phase
- Finding inventions (investigating about your R&D, giving seminar in your company, etc.)
- Investigations about prior art
- Patent (Utility model) applications to Japan or Foreign countries
- Creating (Consideration) about Joint application contract document
- Examination about total protection of rights including protection as a trade secret, getting design right, etc.
After Application
- Response to an office action
- Trial against examiner’s decision of refusal
- Litigation rescinding the trial decision
After Acquisition of Rights
- Filling of objections
- Trial for invalidation
- Litigation rescinding the trial decision
- Caution and reconciliation negotiation to infringers
- infringement suit of a patent
- Waterside measures at the customs
[전문 분야]
전기・전자, 통신・정보처리, 제어・기계, 재료 등
복합기(프린터, 복사기를 포함), 영상기기(디스플레이 포함), 전자 디바이스(반도체 디바이스 포함), 촬상장치, 전지(리튬이온 전지를 포함), 전자(아날로그/디지털)회로, 의료기기(간호 시스템, 간호침대, 전자 체온계, 혈압계 등), 냉매회로, 유압회로, 휴대 단말장치, 서미스터 센서, 적층 콘덴서, 코일장치(트랜스, 초크코일), 가속도 센서, LED 장치 -
화상처리, 통신 시스템(위성 송신 시스템, RFID 기술을 포함), 컴퓨터 시스템의 하드웨어 및 소프트 웨어, 컴퓨터 관련기기 -
반도체(반도체 기판도 포함) 제조장치, 건설기계, 엔진, 전자 제어, 복합기 제어, 메카트로 제어, 로봇 제어, 인버터 제어, 유량제어, 전기기기, 모터, 온수저장 탱크, 디젤엔진(농업기계, 선박), 베어링, 펌프모터 -
반도체 재료, 금속 재료, 탄소 재료, 세라믹 재료, 전지 재료, 전자부품 재료, 건축 재료 -
광학요소, 광학계, 광학장치, 광학부품, 광학 공작물, 발광장치, 편광판 -
가정용 기기
조명기구, 전자침대, 가전제품(냉장고, 가구, 침구, 급탕장치, 청소용구, 공조기, 방충 네트) -
나노테크놀러지, 섬유, 종이제품, 접착제, 가스처리 설비, 멸균 시스템, 고분자 -
각종 비즈니스 특허, 일용품, 스포츠 용품
[Our Services]
Before Application
- Creating patent maps
- Making advices about your research and development
Application Phase
- Finding inventions (investigating about your R&D, giving seminar in your company, etc.)
- Investigations about prior art
- Patent (Utility model) applications to Japan or Foreign countries
- Creating (Consideration) about Joint application contract document
- Examination about total protection of rights including protection as a trade secret, getting design right, etc.
After Application
- Response to an office action
- Trial against examiner’s decision of refusal
- Litigation rescinding the trial decision
After Acquisition of Rights
- Filling of objections
- Trial for invalidation
- Litigation rescinding the trial decision
- Caution and reconciliation negotiation to infringers
- infringement suit of a patent
- Waterside measures at the customs
당소에서는, 공업제품 등의 참신한 디자인을 보호할 수 있도록, 부분 디자인이나 관련 디자인 등의 적절한 출원형태를 제안하면서, 강한 권리를 취득할 수 있도록 서포트하고 있습니다.
Creating an Application and Drawings Described the Contents of a Design
Creating an Application and Drawings Described the Contents of a Design
An application procedure which submitting an application and drawings described the design to JPO is required to acquire a design right. We understand the design of an industrial product correctly by making interview to the customer, and create the application documents. We consider about response to an office action (countermeasure to reasons for refusal) and after acquisition of rights, and propose the appropriate application and drawings described the design to acquire most appropriate design rights.
If it is difficult to have interview meeting, we are able to create the application documents by obtaining the description, the drawing and the like from you, specified the design which you would like to acquire a design right.
An application procedure which submitting an application and drawings described the design to JPO is required to acquire a design right. We understand the design of an industrial product correctly by making interview to the customer, and create the application documents. We consider about response to an office action (countermeasure to reasons for refusal) and after acquisition of rights, and propose the appropriate application and drawings described the design to acquire most appropriate design rights.
If it is difficult to have interview meeting, we are able to create the application documents by obtaining the description, the drawing and the like from you, specified the design which you would like to acquire a design right.
Responding to an office action (Responding to a Notice of Reasons for refusal)
As a result of the examination of an examiner of JPO, if it is judged as that the requirement of filling is not satisfied, reasons for the refusal are noticed. If the notice of reasons for refusal are received, it is needed to react for argument to the judgment of the examiner (response to an office action) such as creating amendments of the application and the drawings. According to the client’s intention, we have meetings as needed, and give you a proposal for amendments and arguments to acquire the most appropriate design rights.
Appealing (Trial)
If an examiner judges that reasons for refusal were not dissolved even though considering written opinions and the like submitted in the above described response to an office action, a refusal will be decided. Against to the decision of refusal, you can request a trial against examiner’s decision of refusal.
[Our Services]
Before Application
- Investigations about other company’s design applications
Application Phase
- Investigations about prior art of designs
- Proposing strategical application
- Design Applications to Japan or Foreign Countries
After Application
- Response to an office action
- Trial against examiner’s decision of refusal
- Negotiation for Licenses
After Acquisition of Rights
- Trial for invalidation
- Caution and reconciliation negotiation to infringers
- Waterside measures at the Customs
[Our Services]
Before Application
- Investigations about other company’s design applications
Application Phase
- Investigations about prior art of designs
- Proposing strategical application
- Design Applications to Japan or Foreign Countries
After Application
- Response to an office action
- Trial against examiner’s decision of refusal
- Negotiation for Licenses
After Acquisition of Rights
- Trial for invalidation
- Caution and reconciliation negotiation to infringers
- Waterside measures at the Customs
당소에서는, 상표에 대해 출원 및 그 후 수속의 대리업무를 하고 있습니다. 지정상품・서비스와 상표의 출원형태에 대해 제안하면서, 강한 권리를 취득할 수 있도록 서포트하고 있습니다.
Creating an application described the contents of a trademark
An application procedure which submitting a document described the trademark and designated products and services pertaining to the application to JPO is required to acquire a trademark right. We understand the designated products and services desired by the customer correctly by making interview to the customer as needed, and create the application documents while considering the designated products and services.
Responding to an office action (Responding to a Notice of Reasons for refusal)
Regarding a trademark, as a result of the examination of an examiner of JPO, if it is judged as that the requirement of filling is not satisfied, reasons for the refusal are noticed. If the notice of reasons for refusal are received, it is needed to react for argument to the judgment of the examiner (response to an office action) such as creating amendments to reduce the designated productions and services. According to the client’s intention, we give you a proposal for amendments etc. to acquire the most appropriate trademark right.
Appealing (Trial)
If an examiner judges that reasons for refusal were not dissolved even though considering amendments and the like submitted in the above described response to an office action, a refusal will be decided. Against to the decision of refusal, you can request a trial against examiner’s decision of refusal.
[Our Services]
Before Selection of Trademark
- Method for developing of naming
- Making advices about bland strategies
Application Phase
- Investigations about prior art of trademarks
- Trademark applications to Japan or Foreign Countries
After Application
- Response to an office action
- Trial against examiner’s decision of refusal
- Negotiation for licenses
After Acquisition of Rights
- Filling of objections
- Trial for invalidation
- Caution and reconciliation negotiation to infringers
- Waterside measures at the customs
Management for Trademarks
- Management for limit of renewal
[Our Services]
Before Selection of Trademark
- Method for developing of naming
- Making advices about bland strategies
Application Phase
- Investigations about prior art of trademarks
- Trademark applications to Japan or Foreign Countries
After Application
- Response to an office action
- Trial against examiner’s decision of refusal
- Negotiation for licenses
After Acquisition of Rights
- Filling of objections
- Trial for invalidation
- Caution and reconciliation negotiation to infringers
- Waterside measures at the customs
Management for Trademarks
- Management for limit of renewal
컨설팅 업무
당소에서는, 고객과 협력하여, 이하의 컨설팅 업무를 실시하고 있습니다. 또한, 고객을 적극적, 계속적으로 서포트하기 위한 고문계약(※1)을 체결하는 것도 가능합니다.
- 발명의 발굴(※2), 권리화의 상담
- 특허맵의 작성(※3)
- 참입 장벽이 높은 특허망의 구축(※4)
- 디자인의 발굴, 권리화의 상담
- 디자인의 발굴, 권리화의 상담
- 침해 사건의 상담(※5)
- 감정(※6)
- 선행 기술 조사 및 무효 조사(※6)
- 소송 대응
- 지적 재산 전략에 관한 상담
- 특허권의 유지 및 활용의 상담(※7)
- 상기 이외의 지적 재산 리스크(※8)에 관한 상담
- M&A에 따른 무체 재산권에 관한 상담
당소에서는, 이하에 제시하는 장래상을 내다본 컨설팅을 하고 있습니다
정기적인 발명 발굴회 개최도 가능합니다
(1) 고객의 기술자와의 신뢰 관계 구축
(2) 고객의 제품 개발에 대한 모티베이션 향상 및 젊은 기술자의 특허 교육
(3) 고객의 제품에 대한 새로운 기술적 과제의 수집(경합 타사의 특허 동향을 개발 전에 보고하는 것이 가능)
(1) 고객의 기술자와의 신뢰 관계 구축
(2) 고객의 제품 개발에 대한 모티베이션 향상 및 젊은 기술자의 특허 교육
(3) 고객의 제품에 대한 새로운 기술적 과제의 수집(경합 타사의 특허 동향을 개발 전에 보고하는 것이 가능)
기술 트렌드, 고객의 사업 전략을 도입한 특허맵을 작성하는 것에 유의하고 있습니다. 그 과정에서, 고객의 사업 전략을 파악할 수 있고, 향후 고객의 출원에 대해 제안을 하는 것도 가능하게 됩니다. 또한, 고객의 기술 개발력과 향후 비즈니스 동향에, 고객의 지적 재산 포트폴리오가 적합한지 여부를 판단함과 동시에 최적화를 실행하고 있습니다.
고객의 독자적인 기술의 추출 및 보호
고객의 독자적인 기술의 추출 및 보호
- 고객의 사업 전략과 기술 동향 및 타사 특허 정보를 도입한 전략적 특허맵을 토대로하여, 고객의 독자적인 기술을 추출하고, 이 기술에 대해 복수의 특허출원 및 권리화를 도모하여, 특허망을 구축합니다(즉, 타사 특허의 침해를 배제한 “독자적인 기술”에 관한 발명 발굴 활동을 추진합니다).
- 전략적 특허맵이란, 기술 부문(설계 부문, 제품 기획 부분을 포함) 및 영업 부문으로부터의 히어링에 의해 수집한 사업 전략과 기술 동향을 반영시킨 특허맵
경합 타사의 경합 제품의 특징 부분을 포함하는 특허권의 작성(카운터 특허의 작성)
구체적으로는, 경합 제품에 관한 정보에 기초하여, 고객의 특허출원에서 경합 제품의 특징 부분을 포함하는 특허권의 작성을 합니다.
구체적으로는, 경합 제품에 관한 정보에 기초하여, 고객의 특허출원에서 경합 제품의 특징 부분을 포함하는 특허권의 작성을 합니다.
경합 타사가 보유하는 특허권 또는 특허출원에 대한 감정(특허 유효성 또는 저촉성)을 실시합니다. 구체적으로는, 고객의 제품 개발 단계에 있어서, 타사 특허권 또는 특허출원에 저촉할 가능성에 대한 감정을 합니다. 특히, 특허출원 중인 경우에는, 선행 특허문헌 조사를 행하여, 권리화 가능성이 있는 청구항에 대해 저촉 유무를 검토합니다. 또한, 저촉의 가능성이 있다라고 판단한 경우에는, 비저촉이 되는 설계 안을 검토합니다.
이하의 연계를 외부로부터 서포트하고, 이하의 검토 항목을 실현해 갑니다.
- 신규상품 및 기술의 무체 재산권에 의한 보호 누락
- 공동개발・개발 위탁에 따른 당사 권리의 확보 부족
- 출원에서 권리화까지의 각종 수속의 기한 만료로 인한 출원 무효
- 연금 미납으로 인한 권리 소멸
- 종업원(퇴직자 포함) 발명 보수에 관한 소송 리스크
- 위조품・유사품에 의한 기업 이미지 저하